Customer Service and Maintenance

„What the customer really wants are three things: first service, second service, and third service.“

It is by this principle that Julong’s commitment, as a manufacturer, on the European market is defined: to provide our customers with high-quality support and expertise. We will assist you with any problems that might arise via telephone, online, or within 24 hours on-location.

Our long-term guarantee policy includes biannual maintenance visits, during which we not only check your machine but also, if needed, exchange spare parts at no additional charge. We will also provide you with free test machines, allowing you to make an informed and comfortable purchasing decision. We also offer training to the operators, explaining the technical details and helping your staff transition to the new machine. This close cooperation does not only provide us with helpful feedback but also makes the operators more proficient in handling the machine and allows them to be more efficient during their daily work.
