
Geschäftsführerin Bai Li

Interview with Managing Director, Bai Li

1. What are the main differences between Julong in China compared to Germany?

Both companies and markets are extremely different. We have over 2000 employees and a massively booming market in China, compared to the start-up atmosphere and the strong competition in Europe. The situation for Julong in Germany s comparable to the time I started my career at the company in Anshan, 19 years ago. Just like back then in China we are starting fresh and try to put down our roots, but we already have some promising results to show for. We are the first Chinese company on the German market for banking equipment, whose products have been consistently certified by the ECB since 2007. I would like to highlight the Cash Processing System JL8000 at this point that successfully passed the ECB tests in China last year. Our participation in the ES2 Partnership Program ensures that we are always up-to-date, e.g.  when updating all of our software versions from 2007 to 2014.

2. What is the situation like in China?

Julong China is completely different. 25 years of experience and over 110,000 installations have established us as market leader and reliable partner for banks and retailers. We support our customers through a strong local network of over 250 distribution and service stations. We are working closely with our customers to offer tailor-made high-tech solutions. Almost 50 patents represent our innovative technologies and designs and will shape future trends.

3. What are your most valuable experience concerning Julong’s development?

For me it is important t go after every opportunity, to make possible what at first glimpse seemed impossible. Working hard and innovating will not only improve our company but also the everyday life and work of both our customers and our employees.

4. What have been Julong’s biggest accomplishments over the last years?

The most recent numbers are showing a clear image. Compared to 2012 Julong’s turnover has increased massively over the last year. We experience a growth of 71.46%, which translates to 108M. Euros and pushed Julong’s market value to 1.9Bn. Euros. The international strategy is also coming to fruition. We have established Julong Europe GmbH in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2013 and it is showing promising growth.

5. What brought Julong to Germany?

Apart from the strong European market the main reasons were the typical topics that spring to mind when one thinks of Germany: high-tech, precision, know-how, and the highest standard. Furthermore there are always things we can learn from all the intelligent and professional people here.

6. Looking ahead, how do you see Julong’s future?

Cash will remain the most important form of payment for the next 30-50 years. This will require more and more innovations in the area of automation, which is important for us. Julong will face these trends and we will make sure to continue developing our products, to make them even safer and more efficient for the benefit of our international customers.

7. What were some of the difficulties you had to face since arriving in Germany?

The difference in mentality was the biggest obstacle. Now I am getting better an better at handling the cultural differences. Right now I cannot really say which country I would call home since I travel a lot, but I love the beautiful German cities and landscape.

8. Compared to Chinese food you probably face the toughest time of your life here in Germany. What is your favorite German dish?

The best and simplest combination is bratwurst and bun. It’s more than enough and a highly efficient meal – just what you would expect from Germany.

Thank you for your time Mrs. Bai.
